Friday, March 2, 2012

I'm up to something

With the days visibly getting longer and recently many sunny days in London, my activity returns. After locking myself away behind my laptop, making up new stories, fixing old ones, I'm out and about daily, cycling walking, meeting with friends. I even started my morning exercises again -- time to really get rid of the flab. This time I mean business.
Anyway, as I cycled today, paying a quick visit to the market to get some fruit, and then briefly check out the roof park, I felt it coming: mischief. You know the kind of feeling when you just want to irritate people by doing something totally unexpected, like licking your friend's face or just tickling him.

I've been known to do really odd stuff, like walking over to someone who has an ice cream and just licking at it; or biting from someone's sausage in a bun.
When I worked in a pub (decades ago) I had a group of tourists come in. They all ordered a shot. I poured them and one complained that a guy had too much in his glass, so I took the glass, drank what was too much and put it down on the table with a grin, asking, 'That better?' Needless to say, they loved me. Oh and I met them later on the Christmas market, where I asked a random person if I could try his mulled wine. Funny enough, he handed it over to me without even considering a 'no'.

My friend's words were: No, way, you didn't just do that! I grinned at him and shrugged. He said only I could get away with that without being slapped. But, he said, in my defence, I can charm someone's socks off if I really want to. That's why people forgive me those 'attacks'.
I didn't do that for ages as I believe it'll look silly if I did it today, but I feel this sort of mischief brewing in me. So, watch out if you bump into me, you might be in for a treat :-)

Happy weekend, everyone.

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