Monday, May 16, 2011

Friends are the most wonderful gift

Well, at least I think they are. You see, it was my birthday yesterday. I didn't plan anything big, because I couldn't care less to be honest. All I wanted was to have my friends around me, no presents, but a relaxed time. The days of the wild parties are over, I mean I only ever had the odd party anyway -- who's to clean all the glasses and plates, let alone the flat and bring the bottles to the recycling containers? Me! So, no, I'd rather go out for a drink or have a quiet one with a few close friends.

My friend Piddi arrived on Friday, to have a little 'holiday' as she put it. We spent the Saturday having a fry up, then walking around some markets, things I only do when I have visitors as I usually prefer the non-tourists areas. In the evening we watched a play, Uncle Vanya, which was wonderfully performed. It's a tiny, charming local theatre, which I discovered by accident a few days ago. After that we went home to have a chat over a glass of wine.

Yesterday, we met with my friend Bobby and his housemate in a local pub to have some traditional Sunday Roast, which also went down well. I must say, it was one relaxed birthday.
My friends know I'm not much into bah humbug. No Christmas, no Easter or Halloween or anything else. I'm particularly not fond of presents made on those days, because I think that you have 365 days of a year to make presents. To me the most important thing is to spend those days with people you love and who love you, too. That's something I've done for a long time now and nothing will ever beat this.

Oh and finally, some really good news, too. My book received another review (4stars) and was described as 'Sex and the City meets Seinfield, which is a huge compliment. So, thank you, Shira, for the lovely review, I know you have your troubles doing them.

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